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Grief is Full of Irony


Day 24: Grief is full of Irony

Grief is full of irony…

· Feeling shattered and alive at the same time

· The massive downs paired with the odd moments of ok-ness (or neutrality)

· The pain that you want to feel and hold onto

· The wanting to be around people and not at the same time

· The wanting to never feel the pain while also worrying what it means to not

· The wanting to talk about it and not all at the same time

· The wanting for it to be acknowledged and seen sometimes and then not at all

· The draw towards being myopic and alone and solo while also feeling the need to be seen in it

· The terror of the wave coming paired with the hollowness and relief after it does

Welcome to my second, 100-day project. I hope to provide a daily offering on something grief-related. I am a grief therapist and educator working with people in Oregon, Washington, DC, Maryland, and Maine. This feed is in honor of each person who has trusted me with their stories and wisdom during their grief journey. I hope that others may benefit from simple and straightforward talk about a topic that can be difficult.

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