Day 57: How Does a Therapist Grieve #9? I let myself fall apart in the car and on the airplane. Cars and planes can be grief incubators. They provide (in my opinion) a pretty damn good recipe for being able to sit with the pain of your grief. Here is the recipe: Strangers + Forced Space for Unfocused Attention + Existential Thoughts (maybe more on planes due to hurling through the air) + Forced Stillness + Literal Perspective (watching the silliness of human lives that can look all so tiny). I let myself snot up in these places. And I give myself permission to do so, with the belief that my seatmate also has some grief in there somewhere and gets it. #grief #bereavement #grieftherapy #griefcounseling #groundedgrief #acutegrief #traumaticgrief #disenfranchisedgrief #miscarriage #suicide #homicide #infertility #nondeathloss #divorce #petloss #complicatedgrief #griefeducation #ambiguousloss #childgrief #selfcompassion #bereavedparents #bereavedfamilies #bereavedfamilies #bereavedmother #bereavedfather #bereavedparent #bereavedsibling #anticipatorygrief #100dayproject Welcome to my second, 100-day project. I hope to provide a daily offering on something grief-related. I am a grief therapist and educator working with people in Oregon, Washington, DC, Maryland, and Maine. This feed is in honor of each person who has trusted me with their stories and wisdom during their grief journey. I hope that others may benefit from simple and straightforward talk about a topic that can be difficult.