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Day 41: Enough.

I like this word. I like how it sounds coming out of my mouth. I like that I can say it calmly, clearly. I like that it can be soft and forceful at the same time. I like that it is one word, and doesn’t need an explanation to follow.

I think a lot about boundaries, as I have learned so much from my clients as I witness their grieving. Most grieving humans don’t have time for bullshit. And, there are moments in grief that bring enormous clarity.

I have come to know that grief can be a wise and useful companion when setting boundaries. AND I have learned that boundaries that stick and are actually received are less often big and boisterous and loud. Rather, they are resolute and calm and sometimes even quiet. They rarely include nor need explanations. They are short and sweet and even said with kindness.

“Enough,” is my favorite.

Where can you say “enough” in your life?

How can your grief help you turn towards yourself and what you need?

Welcome to my second, 100-day project. I hope to provide a daily offering on something grief-related. I am a grief therapist and educator working with people in Oregon, Washington, DC, Maryland, and Maine. This feed is in honor of each person who has trusted me with their stories and wisdom during their grief journey. I hope that others may benefit from simple and straightforward talk about a topic that can be difficult.



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